Monday, January 9, 2012

On Gay Marriage

From time to time I really need people to explain things to me. Why would anyone listen to Danny Elfman for entertainment? What does someone get from a pet snake? Why is it okay for PETA to objectify women but I shouldn’t have a steak? German tranny porn? I try my best to understand these different viewpoints. I don’t always agree with them, but I do understand some of them. Still lost on the tranny porn and PETA though.

What I’m completely lost on is why people are against gay marriage. Or why they think it’s their fucking business to begin with. This is supposed to be a free nation. I want guns. I now own three. Someone wants children. Octomom has a shit load. Angelina wants to start her own rainbow club? She goes to the third world and adds a few to the collection. Scientology? Go for it! Start pissing and shitting your way to enlightment (if you knew anything about Scientology you’d probably laugh at that). Dude wants to marry another dude? Fuck you! Chick wants to marry another chick? Can I watch? Err, I mean fuck you!

If anyone says it’s because this is a Christian nation, shit in your hat! Not everyone in this country is a Christian. And when your religion starts to infringe on my rights I call that religious tyranny. A little something our Founding Fathers attempted to get rid of in this, our great nation.

Now of course if you’ve paid any attention to Michele Bachmann’s campaign, she claims that gay people have the same rights as the rest of us. Gay people have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex.

… let that sink in. Go back and read it just one more time. Was she trying to be funny? Gay people can marry all the people they want… just so long as it’s a person of the opposite sex therefore their rights are the same as ours. Where the fuck do these people get off?

Now some of our Republican wannabe nominees have announced that if they become President they will try to make a Constitutional amendment that states that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Because there isn’t anything else going on in this fucking country and they apparently feel this is a real issue. It’s not! Give them their goddamn rights and move the fuck on. Why is this still a debate?

Gays are the some of the last people left that politicians can openly be prejudiced against and in fact run on as a platform for their election. How? Two words, “Family Values”. Fuck you and fuck your values.

Who would it hurt if gay people could get married? Look to your left. Now look to your right. Anyone you just so happened to see while looking around, sitting at your computer, wouldn’t be hurt in the least by gay marriage. Would it hurt God? If you answered yes, I then ask “How the fuck do you fucking know? Talked to him lately? Gotten your gossip for the day from him? Had some fucking coffee with him/her/it while watching the news (because we all know God watches the news on the biggest TV in existence. That thing would kill George Lucas and we all know it. God’s big screen is the shit!) God’s existence is in question. Gay peoples’ isn’t. Just give them their rights and move the fuck on.  

For those who are kind of pussies, sorry I wrote "fuck" so much.

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