Monday, January 16, 2012

On Religion

I know in several of my posts both on this site and on my deviantart account I may have come off like I not only don’t believe in any religion, but that I also hate it. This is not true despite the massive amount of times I have said things that pretty much amount to “fuck you and fuck your god”.

I recently saw the documentary Religulous by Bill Maher. Now as much as he said “I don’t claim to know, that’s my religion,” he also said that everyone (Christians, Muslims, Jews, Scientologists, and just about anyone else that thinks that there’s something beyond what we can see) should “grow up”. “Grow up” seeming to me like we should drop religion as a whole, which makes it seem like now he does fucking know.

He blamed many of the world’s problems on the religions of the world. I might have misunderstood something but I think he also blamed pollution and the threat of nuclear war on religion(?). He points out the horrible things that people have done in the name of their religion, such as the Crusades, witch hunts, terrorist attacks, and Tom Cruise. Though he fails to bring up the good things that religions have produced or the horrible things that happen in spite of religion.

He seems to want to avoid the fact that both Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. were both great men who were both religious and did great things for their fellow man. He likewise didn’t acknowledge that people like Stalin, people completely void of any religion, are still capable of bowel evacuatingly terrifying things, such as flying off the handle from time to time and causing mass fucking slaughters. As said before, he did this completely separated from religion. In fact communist Russia, also known as Sucksfuckingassville, was just as anti-religion as they were anti-capitalism. One of the reasons that Catholics really, really didn’t like them and vice-versa.

Another thing pointed out by Maher is the bullshit of Creationism. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s a belief that you can shoehorn the bible into scientific theories. They think God made the earth, believe that dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time humans did, and that the earth is only like 10,000 years old. So kind of a whole new category asshole. But, like everyone else in the Anti-Religion League, he lumps in the Intelligent Design Hypothesis with Creationism.

They are not the same fucking thing and I’m tired of people not fucking knowing that! Intelligent Design is the idea that an intelligent being, maybe God, maybe fucking not, is behind the creation of existence. The pyromaniac behind the big bang if you like. This hypothesis can completely coincide with modern science but assholes don’t want to hear it out because of the likening to Creationism and for scientists they suck at research because you can find all this shit out on fucking Wikipedia.

All that said, I did like the documentary and he did point out some of the crazy motherfuckers we got running around such as a “reformed” gay guy who doesn’t believe anyone is really gay. I highly recommend it in spite of its short comings.

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