Sunday, February 19, 2012

PETA Part 2

I liked bashing PETA. So, instead of leaving people to their own research into the organization I decided to bash some more.

So, below is a picture of a Chihuahua with the slave name “Little Man”. Little Man is the slave of the photographer. The erection killer holding that poor little slave is Ingrid Newkirk. Ingrid is the head of PETA making her head asshole.

This is another picture of her. Very

And another.

She’s done many things to get herself the “Fuck Head of the Forever” award but I feel that her best work was displayed in a letter to Yasser Arafat asking him to … well just read the letter. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you.

Your Excellency:
I am writing from an organization dedicated to fighting animal abuse around the world. We have received many calls and letters from people shocked at the bombing in Jerusalem on January 26 in which a donkey, laden with explosives, was intentionally blown up.

All nations behave abominably in many ways when they are fighting their enemies, and animals are always caught in the crossfire. The U.S. Army abandoned thousands of loyal service dogs in Vietnam. Al-Qaeda and the British government have both used animals in hideously cruel biological weaponry tests. We watched on television as stray cats in your own compound fled as best they could from the Israeli bulldozers.

Animals claim no nation. They are in perpetual involuntary servitude to all humankind, and although they pose no threat and own no weapons, human beings always win in the undeclared war against them. For animals, there is no Geneva Convention and no peace treaty — just our mercy.
If you have the opportunity, will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave the animals out of this conflict?
We send you sincere wishes of peace.

Very truly yours,
Ingrid Newkirk
President, PETA
I don’t know about you but I’m a bit choked up.

 Such a nice lady protecting the donkeys from being used in the blowing up of human beings. This, ladies and gentlemen, is something we should all try and aspire to.

So, onto another thing I wanted to bring up.

Below is a picture of Rod Coronado. Rod Coronado is part of the ALF (Animal Liberation Front). This organization sees itself as a modern day underground railroad. They steal animals from farms, research facilities, etc. and give them a nice home to live out the rest of their lives, blah, blah, blah.


Oh, and from time to time they blow something up or burn something down depending on their level of crazy that day.

Rod Coronado was jailed in 1995 for his part in an arson on Michigan State University’s research facilities in 1992. He caused $125,000 worth of damage and destroyed 30 years worth of data. This arson was apparently a part of “Operation Bite Back” an organized attack on animal testing facilities and fur manufacturers. Later he would write in an open letter “Don't ask me how to burn down a building. Ask me how to grow watermelons or how to explain nature to a child.” But it should still be known that he’s pretty good at burning shit down.

And when this prick needed a lawyer guess who he called. If you guessed Ghost Busters you are wrong. If you guessed fucking PETA you are right. PETA paid $45,200 for Rod’s defense. 

Again in closing: PETA is a fuck head organization. If you too want to rant about PETA please leave a comment. If I’ve missed anything please leave a comment. If you are a part of PETA, go fuck yourself, and then leave a comment. If you'd like to help defend PETA or the ALF I dare you to try by leaving a comment. If you want more shit about PETA or the ALF just search “shit about PETA and the ALF” something’s bound to come up.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Who can name the organization that asked Palestinians to stop using donkeys while blowing people up?

And what’s the name of a wonderful organization that euthanizes a shit load of animals a year while basically calling everyone else that does the same thing murderers?

Last one. What organization will pay for your defense so long as you firebomb a lab that experiments on animals?

If you answered anything but “PETA” for the questions above you’re wrong.

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an animal rights organization. PETA has about 300 employees and 2000 members. PETA is an asshole organization. They are such assholes in fact, that I have no way of writing at length everything that makes them assholes. I’ll just include a few ways that they make me want to throat punch a kitten.

THEIR ADS: Some of us may have seen their latest ad where they basically claim that vegans fuck like they’re trying to kill their partner and that a well screwed woman will know that she better damn well get my fucking vegan food back to the house no matter how severe her internal injuries are so that I can bang her like a rapist again before she's allowed to put the fucking soy milk and carrots away.

PETA has been known for its ads in the past. Hot, sexual ads that drain the blood from most people's minds, sending it south, in order to make us think “Tits and ass and sex = animal rights”. For your viewing pleasure I’ve included some of my favorites.

I hear this is how Roger Rabbit met Jessica.

That's funny. I'd rather see you naked than
see you wearing fur. Win-win.

This would make me happy if he was
about to fall into a bin of angry ferrets.

Is it weird that I just got hungry?

Well none of your's. You have no fur. Stupid.

Yeah, but if I go synthetic you
still throw paint at me. :(

This one's my favorite. Chained, Beaten, Abused, yeaaaah...
this woman is just like an elephant... except I was never
turned on by an elephant... so now come to think of it
she's nothing like an elephant.

THEIR IDEOLOGY: So they want people to stop eating, or keeping, or generally looking in the direction of animals. They want animals to have “rights”. So it’s bad for us to eat them. But they never bring up the fact that animals eat other animals. It’s okay for a lion to eat a gazelle but I can’t have a fucking steak?  Fuck you.

Something most people don’t know, I assume, is that PETA’s animal rights goes pass the treatment of animals. They claim that pets (dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, etc.) are slaves in bondage. SLAVES in bondage like the Jews in Egypt or Africans in the Americas. That is fucking sick for them to compare Kunta Kinte to Fluffy the fucking cat. For those of us who have an animal that gets nothing but love and food, you know that YOU are in fact the slave. YOU work for they’re food. YOU house them. YOU walk them so that they won’t shit on your rug. THEY sit on their ass. THEY eat. THEY watch us pick up their shit in public.

So they want animal rights. But not really animal rights. HUMAN rights for animals. Okay, let’s pretend for a second that that happened. Fluffy the fucking cat (as mentioned above) has human rights. Fluffy sees another human rights holder, Mickey the fucking mouse. Fluffy catches Mickey, and like cats do, sadistically tortures him for hours until finally swallowing him whole leaving Mickey’s babies to starve in a single parent household. Fluffy gets arrested, because that’s what happens to sick sadist humans and Fluffy is now in that category. Fluffy can’t understand the charges though, because he’s a FUCKING CAT, so like any human that’s incompetent to stand trial, Fluffy gets sent to a nut house. But Fluffy doesn’t like the place and Fluffy freaks the fuck out and starts biting and scratching people (like Angelina Jolie in Girl Interrupted). Fluffy needs to be sedated but WE HAVE NO DRUGS TO KNOCK FLUFFY THE FUCK OUT BECAUSE ANIMAL TESTING IS NOW ILLEGAL AND NO ONE CAN GET ANYTHING TO HUMAN TRIALS!!

THEIR THOUGHT THAT THEY CAN GET FAMOUS PEOPLE AND USE THEM TO GET THEIR FANS (that’s a long one): So PETA gets Paul McCartney (AKA The Beatle no one really cared about until John died), Pamela Anderson (AKA Borat’s stalking victim), Reverend Al Sharpton (AKA the guy who cashes in on every bit of tension between black people and whoever), and Eva Mendes (AKA the reason I almost joined PETA). They use these celebrities to counter act the fact that they only have 2000 members. These people are rich and looking for a tax break. Low and fucking behold: PETA.

Must... fight... need ... to join... bullshit organization...

IN CLOSING: Fuck PETA. If you too want to rant about PETA please leave a comment. If I’ve missed anything please leave a comment. If you are a part of PETA, go fuck yourself, and then leave a comment. If you want more shit about PETA just search “shit about PETA” something’s bound to come up.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Birth Control

God doesn’t want you to have the choice of having kids. And through his servants (who have a constant hotline to the man (that’s right, MAN)) the good people at the church have made sure that even people who aren’t a part of their religion will have to jump through hoops to get birth control through their employer’s insurance providers. Onward Christian soldiers!

For those of you who don’t know, the Obama Administration was trying to make it so that employers need to offer an insurance plan that covers birth control to their employees. Including church funded hospitals and universities. And because the church is running low on Catholics, the church opposed it hiding behind freedom of religion. Throw a few Republican conservatives in the mix talking about government control and you get a compromise that allows women to obtain contraception but have to go through their insurance providers instead of their employers to get it. Confused? That’s because it’s fucking confusing.

This is bullshit. It’s archaic for anyone to be denied a form of healthcare because they work for a fucking zealot. I’d like to point out that just because you work at a church funded hospital does not mean you are a part of that religion. So now religion has control over a part of your life. Because that’s okay… right?

Rick Santorum (fuck Rick Santorum) had come out and said, “It’s not about contraception. It's about economic liberty; it's about freedom of speech; it's about freedom of religion. It's about government control of your lives and it's got to stop.” So, the government giving women the option to get control over their lives is the government controlling your life? You fuckers came up with the goddamn Patriot Act and you’re now talking to me about government butting its head in my life? I’d like to point out how this man is doing what seems to be a very Republican thing to do. Notice how he tries to distract people from the real point (which is contrafuckingception) and points at unconnected shit like the freedom of speech and economic liberty (really? Really?).

The Obama Administration compromised and allowed religious institutes to be exempt from the requirement but the church is still opposing the requirement because of “serious moral concerns”. That’s right; the government making sure a woman has access to the birth control pill is immoral. It’s even more immoral then, say a group of priests making sure that a kid toucher stays one step in front of the police by moving him from church to church.

The government making it easier for you to decide when to have a family is not an infringement on religious freedom and it is not a path for government control.